Arborists and Tree Management | Tweed Heads | Gold Coast

Certified, Reliable & Experienced Arborists on the Gold Coast and Tweed Heads

23 Aug 2023

Trees – How Do They Benefit Our Environment?

Trees are often referred to as the lungs of the Earth, and for good reason. These towering giants not only provide us with visual beauty and shade but play a vital role in sustaining life on our planet. From the bustling streets of Tweed Heads to the picturesque landscapes of Gold Coast, Australia, Killick Tree Management is on a mission to preserve and enhance our environment through their comprehensive range of Arboriculture tree services. In this article, we’ll delve into the myriad ways trees benefit our environment, highlighting the significance of their services for the residents and businesses of Tweed Heads.

Environmental Benefits of Trees

Air Purification and Oxygen Production

The air we breathe owes its freshness in large part to trees. Trees act as natural air purifiers, filtering out harmful pollutants and releasing clean oxygen into the atmosphere. This process, known as photosynthesis, involves trees absorbing carbon dioxide and other pollutants while releasing oxygen, making the air healthier for all living beings.

Carbon Dioxide Absorption and Climate Regulation

In an era where climate change is a pressing concern, trees serve as a formidable ally. Through the absorption of carbon dioxide, trees help mitigate the greenhouse effect, which contributes to global warming. By trapping carbon within their trunks and branches, trees play a pivotal role in regulating our planet’s temperature.

Soil Erosion Prevention and Water Management

Trees are the unsung heroes of preventing soil erosion. With their intricate root systems, trees anchor the soil, reducing the risk of erosion caused by wind and water. In regions like Tweed Heads, where coastal erosion is a concern, the presence of trees along the coastline acts as a natural defense mechanism. Additionally, trees play a crucial role in water management by absorbing excess rainfall, reducing the risk of flooding and soil saturation.

Biodiversity Support and Habitat Creation

The diversity of life on Earth thrives in the presence of trees. Forests, whether urban or rural, provide habitats for numerous plant and animal species. The canopy of trees offers shelter and sustenance for birds, insects, and mammals.

Social and Economic Benefits of Trees

Aesthetic and Psychological Advantages

Beyond their ecological impact, trees offer visual beauty that uplifts the human spirit. The sight of trees in urban settings like Tweed Heads provides a serene and calming environment, reducing stress and anxiety. The presence of green spaces with trees has been linked to improved mental well-being and enhanced quality of life for residents.

Cooling Effects and Energy Conservation

The shade cast by trees isn’t just refreshing; it’s also an energy-saving strategy. Trees provide natural cooling by reducing the amount of direct sunlight that reaches the ground and buildings. This cooling effect translates into lower energy consumption for air conditioning, benefiting both homeowners and businesses.

Increased Property Values and Economic Contributions

The impact of trees on property values is more significant than one might expect. Homes and commercial properties adorned with well-maintained trees often fetch higher prices in the real estate market. Moreover, the arboriculture industry, including tree care and maintenance, creates employment opportunities and contributes to the local economy.

FAQs about Trees and Their Environmental Impact

  1. Q: Why are trees important for the environment?
    A: Trees are essential for a balanced ecosystem, as they provide oxygen, filter pollutants, prevent soil erosion, support biodiversity, and contribute to climate regulation.
  2. Q: How do trees help with air quality?
    A: Trees act as natural air purifiers, absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis, thereby improving air quality and promoting human health.
  3. Q: What is the role of trees in climate regulation?
    A: Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, mitigating climate change by reducing its concentration in the atmosphere. They also help regulate temperature by providing shade and cooling effects.
  4. Q: Can trees prevent soil erosion?
    A: Yes, trees play a crucial role in preventing soil erosion. Their root systems stabilize soil, reducing the risk of erosion caused by wind and water.
  5. Q: How do trees support biodiversity?
    A: Trees provide habitats and food sources for a diverse range of plant and animal species, contributing to the overall biodiversity of an area.
  6. Q: Do trees have social benefits?
    A: Absolutely. Trees offer aesthetic beauty, reduce stress, and improve mental well-being. They create inviting spaces for recreation and relaxation.
  7. Q: How do trees save energy?
    A: Trees provide natural shade and cooling effects, reducing the need for energy-intensive air conditioning. This leads to lower energy bills and a more sustainable environment.
  8. Q: Do trees impact property values?
    A: Yes, properties with well-maintained trees often have higher market values due to their enhanced aesthetics and desirability among buyers.
  9. Q: What is the economic significance of trees?
    A: The arboriculture industry, including tree care and maintenance services, contributes to local economies by creating jobs and supporting various related industries.


As we explore the myriad ways trees benefit our environment, it’s clear that these majestic beings are more than just decorations on our landscapes. Killick Tree Management’s dedicated efforts in Tweed Heads and Gold Coast showcase the significant impact trees have on air quality, climate regulation, soil protection, and biodiversity. From providing shade for a relaxing afternoon to contributing to the local economy, trees truly are the unsung heroes of our environment. So, the next time you marvel at the beauty of a tree-lined street in Tweed Heads, remember that you’re witnessing nature’s masterpieces that work tirelessly to make our world a better place.

For more information about Killick Tree Management’s services, visit their Contact Us page.
23 Aug 2023

Top 10 Trees Flourishing in the Tweed Heads Shire: A Green Oasis Delight

Hey there, fellow nature enthusiasts of Tweed Heads! If you’re looking to bring a touch of enchantment and a splash of eco-friendly elegance to your corner of the world, you’ve come to the right place. Killick Tree Management, your trusted companion in Arboriculture services, has scoured the lush landscapes of Tweed Heads and handpicked the top 10 trees that are not just growing but thriving in this magnificent region. So, put on your explorer’s hat and get ready to dive into the verdant world of tree magic!

Jacaranda Tree: Painting the Skies Purple

Ah, the Jacaranda tree! If Tweed Heads had an unofficial mascot, this would be it. Picture this: streets painted in vibrant shades of purple, thanks to the mesmerizing Jacaranda blooms. These beauties are a testament to the grace and charm of our region. They put on an annual spectacle, announcing the arrival of spring with their stunning purple flowers. And guess what, folks? The annual Tweed Heads Jacaranda Festival celebrates the Jacaranda’s splendor, making it a local favorite.

Norfolk Island Pine: A Coastal Icon

Tweed Heads, being nestled by the coast, offers the perfect environment for the majestic Norfolk Island Pine. These trees are like nature’s skyscrapers, standing tall and proud against the coastal winds. With their distinctive symmetrical branches and pine-like needles, they add a touch of elegance to both landscapes and seascapes. Killick Tree Management knows just how to help you make the most of this coastal gem!

Paperbark Melaleuca: Nature’s Architect of Wetlands

If you’re near water, chances are you’ve seen the Paperbark Melaleuca doing its thing. With its uniquely peeling paper-like bark, this tree adds a rustic charm to the wetlands of Tweed Heads. But it’s not just about looks! The Paperbark Melaleuca is a pro at handling waterlogged soils, making it a boon for the region’s ecosystem and the wildlife that calls it home.

Bangalow Palm: A Slice of Tropical Paradise

Who needs a vacation when you have the Bangalow Palm in your backyard? These palms bring a touch of the tropics to Tweed Heads, with their gracefully arching fronds that sway in the breeze. They’re not just pretty faces, though. The Bangalow Palm has a rich indigenous history, playing a vital role in the lives of local Aboriginal communities.

Eucalyptus Tree: A Koala’s Dream Playground

What’s a list of Australian trees without a mention of the Eucalyptus? Tweed Heads boasts a diverse collection of Eucalyptus species, each with its distinct aroma and leaves. And let’s not forget their role as koala habitat! Killick Tree Management understands the importance of preserving these habitats, so if you spot a Eucalyptus, you’re probably in the presence of some furry friends too.

Brush Box: Nature’s Neat Freak

Streets lined with Brush Box trees are a sight to behold. With their smooth bark and compact canopy, these trees are all about tidy elegance. But they’re not just about looks. Their cream-colored flowers add a delicate touch to the urban landscape, making them a favorite choice for parks and streets in Tweed Heads.

Cabbage Tree Palm: Tall, Slender, and Salt-Resistant

With its slender trunk and crown of leaves that seem to touch the sky, the Cabbage Tree Palm is a true showstopper. It’s no surprise that it’s a coastal favorite, thriving in the face of salty winds and coastal conditions. But there’s more to this tree than meets the eye – it holds a special place in the hearts of the Aboriginal community, with traditional uses that go back generations.

Lilly Pilly: Nature’s Colorful Screen

Looking for a little privacy, Tweed Heads? The Lilly Pilly has you covered with its dense foliage and vibrant berries that attract both eyes and taste buds. Yes, you read that right – those berries are edible and have found their way into jams and sauces. It’s like a living, colorful curtain for your backyard.

Flame Tree: A Firework of Nature

Imagine walking down a street lined with Flame Trees in full bloom. The vivid red and orange flowers are like a firework display that lasts for weeks. And guess what? These deciduous trees are not just a visual treat. Their nectar-filled flowers are a magnet for nectar-feeding birds, turning your garden into a lively avian party.

Hoop Pine: Towering Guardians of the Forest

Last but certainly not least, we have the Hoop Pine, a tree that stands tall and proud as a guardian of the forest. With its straight trunk and evergreen needles, it’s no wonder this tree has historical significance and is valued for its timber. But here’s the kicker – it’s also playing a critical role in reforestation efforts, contributing to a greener future.

Frequently Asked Green Queries

  1. How can I choose the perfect tree for my Tweed Heads garden?
    Killick Tree Management advises considering soil type, sunlight, and local climate when selecting trees.
  2. Are any trees suitable for drought conditions?
    – Certainly! Trees like Eucalyptus and Brush Box have adapted to drought conditions and can thrive in Tweed Heads.
  3. Can I plant a Norfolk Island Pine in a smaller backyard?
    – While these majestic pines are breathtaking, they thrive in larger spaces due to their potential height.
  4. Do Jacaranda trees need special care?
    – Jacarandas prefer well-drained soil and regular pruning to ensure they put on their purple show-stopping performance.
  5. Are any trees susceptible to pests and diseases?
    – Eucalyptus trees can face pest issues, but with proper care, you can keep them healthy and pest-free.
  6. Can I munch on the Lilly Pilly berries?
    – Absolutely! These berries are not just pretty; they’re edible and used to make delicious jams and sauces.
  7. Do Flame Trees attract wildlife?
    – You bet! The dazzling flowers of Flame Trees draw nectar-loving birds, making your garden a bustling bird paradise.
  8. Are there any regulations about planting certain trees in Tweed Heads?
    – Always wise to check with local authorities to ensure you’re adhering to any planting restrictions.

Bringing Tree Dreams to Life with Killick Tree Management

Tweed Heads, you’re in luck! Killick Tree Management isn’t just about celebrating the beauty of these 10 incredible trees; they’re also your go-to experts for everything Arboriculture. From tree trimming that gives your trees the perfect haircut to complete tree removal when it’s time for a change, they’ve got you covered. Need to bid adieu to that pesky tree stump? They’re stump grinding pros too!

So, whether you’re embracing the shade of a Norfolk Island Pine or relishing the vibrancy of the Jacaranda blooms, remember that Killick Tree Management is here to nurture and care for these natural wonders. Because when it comes to trees, they’re life, history, and a home for nature’s finest.

What are you waiting for, Tweed Heads? Let’s make your tree dreams come true, one leafy masterpiece at a time! Request your free quote for all your residential, commercial, specialist, and trimming needs. Let’s paint the town green – and maybe a little purple too!

20 Aug 2023

How often should I trim my trees?

G’day, tree lovers of Tweed Heads and the stunning Gold Coast regions in Australia! If you’ve ever found yourself gazing up at your towering eucalyptus or charming jacaranda trees and wondering, “How often should I trim my trees?” – fret not, for we’re here to lend a hand. At Killick Tree Management, we’re your local tree enthusiasts, offering a range of residential and commercial arboriculture services that include everything from tree removal to complete removal, stump grinding, and more. Our mission? To help you achieve not just the tree of your dreams, but also the one that’s healthiest, safest, and adds value to your property. So, grab a cuppa and let’s dive right into the wonderful world of tree trimming!

Factors Influencing Tree Trimming Frequency

Tree Type and Species: Embracing Diversity in Growth

Imagine the trees in your yard as a diverse cast of characters in a grand ecological play. Just like a laid-back surfer doesn’t need the same routine as an aspiring athlete, different trees have varying growth rates and pruning requirements. 

Whether it’s the rapid growth of eucalyptus trees that practically stretch for the sky or the measured elegance of a jacaranda with its delicate blooms, understanding the unique growth patterns of different tree types and species is crucial. Some trees thrive on frequent trims, like the spirited eucalyptus that just can’t help but shoot upwards. Others, like the mature oak that’s seen its fair share of storms, prefer a more relaxed trimming schedule.

Age of the Tree: Treating Young Sprouts and Seasoned Elders

Think of trees as nature’s own time capsules. Young trees are like excitable kids – they need constant guidance and shaping to grow up right. This is where regular trimming comes into play. It’s like sending them to tree school, teaching them proper branching structure and encouraging healthy growth.

But just as kids eventually become adults, trees mature too. As they grow older, their growth rate changes, and their need for trimming adjusts accordingly. While young trees often benefit from annual trims, their elder counterparts might only require attention every couple of years.

Season: Nature’s Rhythm and Tree Dormancy

Nature has its own rhythm, and trees are no exception. Picture this – it’s a chilly winter morning, and your trees are nestled in their own cozy slumber. This is the perfect time for a trim. Why? Because during the dormant season, trees aren’t focused on growth, making it less stressful for them when you whip out the pruning shears.

It’s like giving your trees a spa day during their winter hibernation. They get to relax while you shape their canopy and promote a healthier structure. And as the weather warms up and they wake from their slumber, they’ll greet you with fresh, vibrant growth.

Location and Climate: Dancing to Nature’s Local Beats

Ah, the magic of location and climate! Just like a koala would feel out of place in the city, trees have a unique connection to their surroundings. The climate of the Gold Coast and Tweed Heads paints a beautiful canvas for your trees’ growth patterns. A sunny climate encourages exuberant growth, while coastal breezes influence their shape.

Let’s say you have a magnificent palm tree swaying by the shoreline. It’s embracing the salty air and sun-kissed days. Such trees may require more frequent trims to keep their fronds in check and prevent any potential hazards during storms.

Health of the Tree: Addressing Ailments and Deadwood

Just as a good doctor can identify an illness in a patient, a skilled arborist can diagnose a tree’s health by examining its branches. Dead, diseased, or damaged branches are like a red flag signaling trouble. Regular trimming is your tree’s health insurance – it helps remove the problematic branches, preventing the spread of disease and promoting new, vigorous growth.

But what if your tree is perfectly healthy? Well, even then, occasional trimming can work wonders. It’s like a spa day for your trees, ridding them of excess weight and allowing sunlight to filter through. Think of it as a rejuvenating massage that leaves your trees feeling refreshed and ready to face the world.

Benefits of Regular Tree Trimming

Promotes Tree Health

Ah, the bush has its ways, and one of them is self-care. Regular trimming acts like a soothing massage for your trees. It improves air circulation, allowing them to breathe easy, and lets sunlight filter through, boosting their overall well-being.

Aesthetic Appeal

Let’s face it, mate – appearances matter. Just like you’d comb your hair before a night out, trimming shapes your trees, enhancing their natural beauty and making them look top-notch.

Safety and Risk Reduction

No one wants a branch falling on their barbie, right? Regular trimming helps keep your property safe by preventing the danger of falling branches during storms or strong winds. It’s like a safeguard for your backyard oasis.

Encourages Fruit Production

Imagine a mango tree with no mangoes – it’s like a beach without waves! Regular trimming stimulates fruit-bearing trees, making sure they’re fruitful and providing you with a juicy harvest.

Frequency of Tree Trimming

Annual Trimming

For trees that are growing like wildfire and need some frequent taming, an annual trim is the way to go. Those quick-growing eucalyptus or palm trees will thank you for a regular shaping session.

Biennial Trimming

Now, for the steady growers, like the iconic bottlebrush or the native callistemon – a trim every two years should do the trick. They’ll appreciate a bit of neatening up without feeling rushed.

Infrequent Trimming

The slow-paced beauties like the native banksia or the graceful fig trees are the ones you don’t need to fuss over too often. A trim every few years will suffice, giving them space to spread their branches leisurely.

Special Cases

Sometimes, we’ve got the outliers – the supercharged, rocket-fueled trees that seem to sprout overnight. For these speed demons, more frequent trimming might be necessary to keep them in line.

FAQs About Tree Trimming

The sweet spot is usually late winter or early spring, when the trees are catching some Z’s and not growing at full tilt. But hey, if you’re unsure, just give us a buzz, and we’ll guide you through the best timing for your specific trees.

While it might be tempting to grab your trusty hedge trimmers and go to town, tree trimming can be trickier than it seems. Hiring a pro, like us at Killick Tree Management, ensures a safe and expert job that your trees will appreciate.

If you spot branches that look like they’re auditioning for a zombie movie or ones that seem to be on a permanent downward dog pose, it’s time for a trim. Also, if your tree is blocking out the sun and moon, your neighbors might appreciate a trim too.

Absolutely, mate. Over-pruning is like trying to cram into your budgie smugglers after a barbie – it just doesn’t work out. Taking off too many branches can harm your tree’s health and even lead to stunted growth. Stick to the Goldilocks rule – not too much, not too little, just right.

As a rough guide, avoid cutting more than 25% of the tree’s canopy in one go. Otherwise, your tree might go into shock, and that’s never a good look.

You bet! Pruning fruit-bearing trees helps them channel their energy into producing quality fruit rather than just focusing on growing branches. So if you’re keen on some juicy treats, a trim is the way to go.

Don’t just chuck ’em on the barbie, mate! We can help you out with disposal, recycling, or even turning them into mulch for your garden. Waste not, want not, as they say.

Yep, each region might have its own rules and regulations about tree trimming, especially if your tree is near a property boundary or a public space. Check with your local council or give us a holler, and we’ll help you navigate the red tape.

While tree trimming can certainly help a sick tree by removing infected branches, it’s not a magic cure-all. If your tree is suffering, it’s best to consult a professional arborist like us to determine the best course of action.

Well, mate, imagine you’re house hunting – a well-maintained backyard with beautifully trimmed trees is like finding a golden nugget in the outback. It adds to your property’s curb appeal and can even boost its value. Who wouldn’t want that?


There you have it, tree aficionados of Tweed Heads and the dazzling Gold Coast! We’ve journeyed through the art and science of tree trimming, exploring how often to give your leafy companions a bit of love. Remember, every tree is unique, just like the surf breaks along our coast. So, whether you’re dealing with a speedy eucalyptus or a laid-back palm, Killick Tree Management has got your back. Our arborists are like tree whisperers – we know just how much snip and clip your trees need to flourish, adding beauty, safety, and value to your property. So, don’t be a stranger – reach out for a free quote and let’s get those trees looking their absolute best!



24 Oct 2022

Top 10 Practical Reasons Why You Might Need Tree Removal

Have you noticed that one of your trees is beginning to show tell-tale signs of emerging problems? You may be wondering whether tree trimming will solve the problem or whether tree removal is the better bet. When an emotional attachment is thrown into the mix—or even concern about the cost of tree services—choosing when to intervene can be all the more challenging. However, on all counts, our highly trained Arborist is here to put your mind at ease.

Each member of the team here at Killick Tree Management is passionate in their role as an ethical arborist, and we always do what we can to help clients explore preservation possibilities. With expert guidance, many problematic or damaged trees can be recovered. However, when only the last resort remains, we are always happy to provide affordable, compassionate, and precise tree removal to those who require it.

In a wild setting, a sick tree can serve as a home to all manner of wildlife—in fact, some animals will seek out dead wood for food and shelter. But in an urban setting, a tree in bad condition can become a serious hazard to people and structures alike. It’s always wise to talk to a certified arborist before deciding what to do next, but here are 10 practical reasons why you might ultimately favour tree removal:

1. A Tree Has Become Dangerous

It can be lovely having large trees overhead, but when they begin to pose a danger to those on the ground, tree removal can be a strategic necessity. Elderly trees prone to dropping limbs or those exhibiting a hollow trunk can be unpredictable. Equally, others that have been allowed to grow with close, rubbing, or splitting branches can progress beyond recovery. If tree lopping can no longer restore a tree to safe proportions, it may be time to ask an arborist about tree removal. If you choose to replace it, the same problems can be avoided next time with formative tree pruning!

2. Trees Blocking Solar Panel Exposure

In a world that is increasingly experiencing the impacts of climate change, renewable energy sources like solar panels stand shoulder to shoulder alongside trees in fighting the good fight. However, to generate the maximum amount of electricity, solar panels must be free from shade. A fast-growing specimen next to your panel array can dramatically reduce energy output, creating a practical problem to solve. Tree trimming might be a viable option or tree removal may be the most climate-friendly choice.

3. Trees That Are a Fire Hazard

Whether or not you live in a bushfire-afflicted area, it’s always smart to think about fire safety and prevention. Flammable tree species growing close to structures can pose a greater risk of property damage or block key escape routes. Tree services to tackle those growing too close to power lines can also reduce the dangers of fire during dry storms.

4. Trees That Are Dead or Dying

Whenever a tree displays indicators of ill health, it’s a savvy move to call in the cavalry—which in this case is your trusted arborist! Signs such as falling leaves, fungal growth, or trunk rot may suggest that swift intervention is called for. However, if the tree can’t be saved, it is better to remove it now before the danger of falling begins to grow.

5. Clearing Trees For New Developments

When new developments are being planned, sometimes tree removal is justified. Many trees will stand proudly in the same spot as the world changes around them, and ideally, we can incorporate their presence into the next evolution of any given space. However, in certain instances, it simply becomes necessary to start with a clean slate.

6. Trees That Are Storm Damaged

In contrast to the slow damage brought by a tree’s old age or disease, storm damage can lead a property owner to have to make a tough call in an instant. Heavy winds, rain, lightning, snow, and ice can severely compromise a tree. While some can be lovingly saved through emergency storm damage tree trimming, for others tree removal might be necessary.

8. Getting Rid of Pests or Disease

Some signs of pests and diseases are obvious—such as when we see insects on leaves or holes from boring beetles—but others can be more subtle. Leaf-drop or discolouration, sap bleed, and epicormic shoots from the lower trunk can be indicators that the tree is under stress. If your arborist advises that a pest or disease is to blame, tree removal may be the right decision. Not only because the tree itself may become dangerous, but also because that sickness could spread to other specimens nearby.

9. When It’s Just the Wrong Tree

Many gardening enthusiasts pick out a beautiful tree for their gardens, not realising that it will later begin to engulf their property! A large and fast-growing species can quickly shade your home’s interior, block your view, and become a fall hazard. Equally, trees that are not suited to the local soil type or resilient against local pests are likely to always struggle. On the positive side, tree removal may allow neighbouring specimens to truly thrive.

10. When a Poor Planting Location Was Chosen

Alongside trees matched to the wrong soil type, some may have been placed in locations that feature bedrock or are prone to becoming water-logged. In these scenarios, a property owner may spend years trying to get a tree to gain a strong footing without success, making tree removal and planting elsewhere a preferable choice.

7. Trees That Are Causing Property Damage With Invasive Roots

When the large tree in question was planted years ago, you can bet that nobody anticipated such disruption! The roots of a wilful tree can disturb footpaths, sewers, water lines, and even the foundations of buildings. Unfortunately, there is no way to control from above how a tree’s roots will grow, so when root damage becomes an issue, tree removal is usually for the best.


Are you concerned about a tree on your property and wondering whether tree lopping or tree removal would be the right solution? Connect with our trusted team today and arrange a call out from one of our seasoned, qualified, and certified arborists. Learn more by checking out our Gold Coast Tree Removal Service or calling us on 04 3458 2185 today!

12 Aug 2022

How Much Does Tree Lopping Cost on the Gold Coast?

Trim your trees and your budget with a guide to tree lopping pricing and inclusions from Coolangatta up to Brisbanr.


Tree lopping or trimming is an important part of tree health and safety. Properly trimming back your trees can help them grow more robustly by letting light get to branches and limbs that would otherwise be blocked. Lopping is also important if your tree is starting to impinge on electrical wires or other utilities. 

Yet trimming your own trees is discouraged for the same reasons. The health of your tree could be compromised if an untrained homeowner takes to lopping branches without understanding the important aspects of growth and development. Add in the issues of utility lines, heights, and general safety issues, and you’re looking at a recipe for potential disaster. 

That’s why so many homeowners on the Gold Coast call out for tree lopping services. How much you’re going to spend, however, will vary based on a number of factors, starting namely with the trees themselves. Let’s take a closer look at the rates arborists and tree services charge for tree lopping and what you need to understand about this critical service. 

A primer on tree lopping

Tree lopping has received a mixed reputation because of untrained services taking to damaging and stripping trees down to the bare minimum of branches. This is simply not proper tree trimming. Done right, tree trimming leaves plenty of branches and growth on the tree itself. The trimming should be first and foremost done to help promote the growth of the tree, not reduce it to a shadow of its former self.

Of course, safety is a primary concern as we mentioned. That means that any branches that are causing a risk to a home or utility lines should be trimmed back to be on the safe side. This selective lopping can help extend the life of the tree while keeping everyone involved safe. 

Tree lopping itself is an art that should be trusted to a trained arborist or service that specialises in tree care and understands how to keep a tree both safe and healthy for years to come. Most often, dead, dying, or decaying branches are cleared out to allow the rest of the tree to thrive. This also improves the look and feel of the tree in your outdoor spaces while reducing risk that an older branch will fall and damage something below. 

While you might be able to trim a low-lying branch yourself, its recommended to leave all tree trimming to the experts. That way, the tree is not damaged or reduced any more than is strictly required. Also, keep in mind that many trees are extremely tall, and it isn’t safe for homeowners to attempt culling branches without the right safety equipment. Notably, some local councils also have restrictions around what can, and what can’t, be cut back. It can help to have an arborist on your side as you explain your case and wait for approvals. 

Factors that affect the cost of tree lopping on the Gold Coast

It all starts with the tree. 

Every tree lopping job is going to be priced differently because of the circumstances surrounding the tree and the actual tree itself. Here are just a few factors that are considered when an estimate is put together for you. 

  • Size: Taller and larger trees cost more to trim because they require more time and equipment to safely and effectively work on.
  • Condition: Unhealthy trees that need more work done on them to bring them back to vibrancy.
  • Location: If its harder to reach or access the tree in question, more equipment and time might be needed to do the trimming.
  • Utilities: Tree branches encroaching on electrical or other utility lines require extra care and time to work free. 
  • Species: Some tree types require different approaches to both removal as well as access and disposal. 
  • Weather: Troublesome conditions like rain, wind, and extreme temperatures can delay trimming or cause it to take longer to complete.

How much does tree lopping cost on the Gold Coast?

With all of these different factors to consider, there’s no single answer to the price for tree trimming. In fact, different tree services will also charge differently. There are two main ways: flat fees and hourly rates. 

Hourly rates for tree lopping tend to fall between $50-$150 per hour depending on the demand and expertise of the service. However, the average cost is $120/hr. From there, a service should do an onsite visit to see the tree, or trees, in question and provide an estimate based on how long the job will take to complete. 

Flat rates tend to be based more on the size, condition, location, and other factors of the tree itself. In these instances, tree size ends up being the biggest factor that most tree services will categorise their rates by. 

Tree Size

Average Cost

Small (up to 10 metres)


Medium (10-20 metres)


Large (more than 20 metres)



Those are some pretty wide ranges, right? That’s because size is just the start of estimating how much a tree will cost to trim. For example, a small tree in the middle of a garden that’s easily accessible might be trimmed for just $400 while a small tree of the same size next to a powerline or alongside a house could cost closer to $2,100 to trim. 

That’s why its important for you to get an exact quote from a tree service for the tree in question where they can also see the location and condition of the tree. Your arborist will have to take all of these factors into account. Note that they might also have separate charges for removal, so be sure to ask if that’s important to you. 

Looking for complete removal? Learn about our Gold Coast tree removal services

Looking for Aaffordable, reliable tree lopping on the Gold Coast?

At Killick Tree Management, we don’t believe in ballpark costs and vague job descriptions. We provide fast free quotes that are accurate based on your exact trees, their condition, and your needs. 

With over 20 years of experience, our certified arborists will also be sure to address your tree’s needs carefully and with conservation and the health of the tree first and foremost. We can help with any kind of tree maintenance from declining trees to rogue branches and anything in between.

Call us on 04 3458 2185 for a quick quote for your tree lopping needs today.

09 Apr 2019

5 Amazing Benefits of Cedar Compost

There are numerous various forms of mulch. Among the most common kinds is cedar mulch. It has a variety of advantages when you contrast it with the various other kinds. A few of these benefits are nutrients, the affect on insects as well as stability. In this blog post, you will certainly figure out even more about the many advantages of this type of mulch.

Insects: One of the key benefits when it involves cedar mulch is the influence it has on insects. Normally, the majority of pests would rather not live in the cedar mulch because of its smell.

Temperature level: The shade of this mulch is naturally light. The compost safeguards these plants from extreme temperature level levels that have an influence on the ground bordering the plants.

Security: An additional terrific benefit is the security that it gives the plants. Bark compost is rather bulky and can be removed fairly easily by the heavy rainfall. The cedar mulching is applied right into smidgens. These tiny items will certainly then secure together to form a thick, thick mat. This assists the mulch remain in its place when it experiences a hefty rainfall or wind. Not just are this mulch steady nevertheless it likewise assists to manage the weeds.

Weeds: This compost is a great option when it worries shielding your plants against weeds. It lowers the weeds that have really currently expanded by not supplying the sunshine they need to expand. If the mulch is sufficiently deep, it does not allow the seed to sprout. As stated above, the mulch has an all-natural scent. This fragrance is another factor that stays clear of the weeds from sprouting.

Nutrients: Among the last benefits of this mulch is the nutrient that it supplies for your plants. As stated previously, the compost is shredded.

Applying the Cedar Mulching to the Blossom Beds for Perennials

When it pertains to making use of it throughout winter to guard your perennial blossoms, Cedar mulching can be superb. However, you have to get it right. By using it the wrong way, you can more do harm than good.

Here’s a few ideas to help you use your cedar mulch the proper way for ideal winter safety.

You need to usage your cedar compost after you have had 2 or 3 days of regular freezing temperature level levels. When you use the cedar compost, you need to spread out 4 to 5 inches to make it possible for ideal defence.

25 Mar 2019

Work With Tree Trimming Service for Effective Shrub Grooming

Tree Trimming Service professionals understand how to deal with trees and shrub structure. They know the best ways to deal with the

Shrub professionals advise that garden owners should check their shrubs from time to time. Routine keeping an eye on helps one to discover out the flaccid and dead branches in a shrub. If anybody finds any debilitated branch, it is advised to call shrub care companies for an elimination or grooming process.

These agencies deal with weak shrubs like customers. Like people these shrubs also requirement medicines for their treatment. Sometimes storms and other natural calamities trigger holes or ruptures in these shrubs. These holes expose the interior of the shrubs to dangerous germs and microbes. These organisms carry the potential to eliminate the structure in degrees. They slowly decay the structure and cause it to die. It is required to deal with these shrubs with fertilisers and disinfectants. These disinfectants are strong chemicals that safe the plants from decay. These chemical fertilisers increase the advancement rate of plants. Stump Grinding firms have extremely licensed professional professionals who have extensive understanding on shrub medications. Stump Grinding companies have actually certified professionals who boast a permission to carry out shrub grooming and pruning activities.

tree trimming

Individuals want to own stunning gardens. It is not easy to maintain the appeal of a garden unless one has understanding on shrub affairs. Individuals who own gardens must contact the plant care companies to gather adequate understanding on how to keep gardens evergreen.

There are many myths about shrub habits and people maltreat them due to lack of knowledge. Shrub care specialists have in fact addressed these issues by writing lots of short articles and blogs on shrub habits.

18 Mar 2019

Why Use A Tree Company Rather Than DIY?

Arborists or Tree Surgeons engage in tree removal, stump grinding, tree trimming, and much more.

Very few of these tasks can be done by a homeowner even if they have some of the necessary tools and are best entrusted to certified experts that can do the job securely. A mishap lowering a tree could in fact, cause serious injury or even death.

Please leave it to the tree specialists!

A property owner can trim trees when they are quite small. Dead, damaged and split branches should certainly be gotten rid of from the tree. When pruning a tree, trimming cuts require to never ever go beyond greater than 25% of the live cover of the tree.

There are 4 types of tree trimming;

1) crown cleaning up includes pruning dead or unhealthy branches from a tree canopy.

2) crown raising removes the lower branches to give clearance for people of lawn mowers

3) crown reduction is where tree limbs and branches are cleared from electrical wiring, signage and buildings

4) crown thinning is the selective removal of branches to increase light penetration and air movement through the crown of the tree.

As much as the house owner might want to save their trees, removal may be required eventually due to disease or lightning strike for example.

Tree elimination can be exceptionally dangerous if it is close to a residence, a high tension power line, or a street. Even when a fairly smaller tree can be lowered, it is still dangerous for the householder.

There are many things that could go wrong if you attempt a tree removal on your own.

Chain saws are powerful pieces of equipment that could cause great injury in the wrong hands.

Do you have the required safety equipment?

Will ropes, ladders or other tools be required?

Killick Tree Services at work lopping pine trees in the Tweed Heads, NSW region

Expert tree solution staff members have the proper training, experience, as well as the tools to surface removals safely. Their workers can climb a tree and also been sufficient down item by piece using appropriate ropes as well as tools taking unique care when a tree being eliminated is also huge and also too close to residence as well as high-voltage line. The employees have the climbing up tools, the safety and security lines, and the training to do the work appropriately. Cranes or container vehicles are often needed to remove trees in difficult locations, particularly when power lines are involved. Tree business that are not approved to function within close closeness to high anxiety power lines need to follow OSHA common and also keep over 15′ away from the lines. There are much to lots of injuries, and deaths for both extremes – tree experts and the next-door neighbor kid reducing trees.

When a tree is lowered, there is still the stump. Stump grinders can be leased, however the job of stump removal is difficult, loud, and also risky. Using an expert, completely insured, approved, qualified, as well as acknowledged tree service business is the intelligent method to go.

11 Mar 2019

Tree Removal: How To Remove A Stump

There are many possible reasons why home owners want their tree stumps removed from their yards.

Do you have them in your home but have not considered removing them?

The reasons specified listed below, in addition to the easy steps on how you can remove a stump, may change your mind.

Why Stump Elimination?


Kids who run around the yard might fail to see the stump and journey over it. A decomposing tree stump also brings in bugs and pests.


Tree stumps can obstruct of your daily activities. When you’re cutting, you have to browse your heavy lawnmower whenever you experience it. Accidentally running into it can similarly damage your lawnmower, so it makes sense to avoid this and get the stump eliminated.


Unless your backyard follows a particular wood-related style, it’s unlikely the decaying tree stump is adding to your landscape’s aesthetic appeals. Now that you understand what may happen when there’s a stump in your house, let’s have a look at the 3 efficient ways you can eliminate tree stumps.

How To Remove A Tree Stump


The manual method to get rid of tree stumps is by digging. As the method is as tedious as it sounds, manual stump removal ought to be kept simply for small stumps. The removal is done by digging around the tree to expose its roots. The roots are then axed off, making it easy for the stump to be levered out.

An excellent tool for this function is a mattock. A mattock have 2 different ends; the blunt end can be used to dig through the earth while the sharper end can cut through the roots as you dig.

Lots of home owners desert their removal and speak with professionals to total doing what they had in fact at first started. For that reason, prior to you prepare to dig the stump yourself, dedicate to the effort that the job will take out of you.


If you’re seeking a quicker, less labor-intensive method of stump elimination, grinding is your response. Grinding, which usages a stump grinding maker, will likewise be suitable for larger tree stumps as the procedure does not require you to lever out the stump.

What the stump mill basically does is that it grinds backward and forward on the surface area on the stump till it is reduced to a level listed below the ground. You can similarly grind the roots glimpsing out from the stump in addition to the earth mound that gathers around it.

Another wonderful thing about stump elimination through grinding is its capability to eliminate stumps in all kind of locations like close by walls and courses. Stump mills also can be found in various shapes and sizes to fit in with various circumstances. You can rent one at your regional tool rental shop or work with the services of experts who will be a lot more efficient.


Select to eliminate stumps chemically if you are a truly patient being who can stand up to waiting a number of months to years. This approach is also the least labor-intensive technique and an economical one, making it an excellent choice for those looking for to eliminate numerous at one go.

Evenly spaced holes are drilled into the stump, which are later on filled with stump remover. Do note that older stumps tend to take less time to rot than more youthful tree stumps.

As this approach takes a fair bit of monetary investment of your time, we suggest stumps that aren’t too huge to be eliminated by grinding. Purchase the equipment or merely, work with specialists.

04 Mar 2019

Advantages of Working with an Arborist

An arborist is an expert who focuses on the growing, management, and research study of trees, shrubs, and other perennial plants. A credible arborist can ensure that your home is safe for individuals to reside on.

Are you thinking of working with an arborist? Here are a few of the services that they can provide:


An arborist can keep or possibly improve the appearance and health of the trees on your home. They can likewise make certain that your property or commercial property is safe by doing things like getting rid of limbs that disrupt electrical wires. By getting rid of weak or dead limbs an arborist can not only help avoid potential risks, but prevent even more decay.

Tree Elimination

Do you need a tree removed from your property? Are you uncertain if it’s essential at all? An arborist can aid you decide and bring out the task. There are lots of elements a tree will need to be removed. A few of them are:

– If the tree is dead or passing away – It postures a threat that can not be treated any other way than getting rid of it – It’s obstructing constructing or the development of other plant life

Emergency situation Situation Tree Care

Emergency circumstance scenarios usually happen due to some kind act of extreme weather. So, when Nature isn’t so kind to your environments, you might need to have limbs and even entire trees eliminated after being hurt in a storm.


Not everything an arborist does relate to getting rid of plants. A few of them plant trees, and will even offer recommendations as to what types of trees are ideal for a specific locations on your home.

Extra Suppliers

Tree health care – Often it’s unacceptable to react to a problem. An arborist can also take measures to keep your trees healthy to prevent issues from emerging.

Fertilization and aeration – Your arborist can also enhance and protect plant health and root advancement. They can do this by aerating the tree and fertilizing or utilizing injections or sprays to manage specific bug and disease problems.

After evaluating the impacted shrub, I make recommendations on what might be done, what treatment would make it healthier, states arborist Bart McDowell of Staunton, VA

. There are likewise things that an arborist can do to your tree’s environments to keep your trees and shrubs in excellent condition. They can established a lightning defense system to decrease hazard, or cable televisions or braces to support branches and the trees themselves.

Picking an Arborist

When you are ready to hire an arborist, there are a couple of things you require to think about. A certified arborists is somebody who has passed a detailed evaluation covering all aspects of tree care.

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